Fight. Short List

SLEEP AT NIGHT. Get a full night’s sleep. Use Trazedone, Ambien and Nyquil to avoid Aggression at night. Do Not Wander. Do Not Leave Your Home, Defend Your Home, Your Health and Your Rights to Your Space.

LIVE WELL, EAT WELL. Eat 3 Meals a day. Use a Juicer or a Blender for Fruits & Vegetables. Do not compromise on this issue, your health is all important when Fighting, or Fighting voices/evil. Bathe or shower every day or every other day. Keep your self image up. Stay in regular touch with your family, No matter what the circumstances. They are part of Your Core Love.

IGNORE THE VOICES. Ignore the voices. Especially if they are demeaning. They’re not worth listening to. Their torment of the psyche is slow, sometimes, and torturous--ignore them for your own health. Educate yourself on Good eating Habits, Get to learn to be around people, even if to just observe or be close to others/you don’t have to talk to them to Love. Walk, keep up Your Health: Learn how to Fight For, Stand Up For and Protect Yourself. Learn How to Negate: They Just Don’t Exist. This is Called Walking Right Through Them, which Returns You to Your Body Physical/natural Human Body. It is the Nature of the Human Body to Naturalize and Protect Itself, Its Exact Earth Owner. Return Continually to Your Physical Life, No Matter What. See Nothing But the Physical.

FIGHT. Learn to Fight. You must learn to stand up for yourself. My Own Father Taught Me This.

PROTECT YOURSELF. Keep a journal to protect and prosecute daily/weekly. Fill out all necessary FIGHT. Soul Self Protection Documents to protect your Soul Self. Prosecute Your Events yearly through FIGHT. Pursuance with the FIGHT. Decree of Prosecu-tion Documents.

COUNTERACTING LIFE THREAT: Know how to physically and psychologically battle through and protect against Life Threat in the Soul Self if You Have Encountered This. See The Enclosed.

LIMIT YOUR SPIRITUALITY and FAITH STUDIES: FOCUS LIMITED: One of the Problems with Negative Being/Evil is that it preys on Spirituality by Destruction of One’s Faith in One’s Faith. If One Loses Their Faith, they are hurt in both the Physical and
Spiritual. This causes the Soul Self to Give up Hope, which should Never Happen. Leave Behind All Major Texts and Focus just
on the GOD at the TOP of THE SOUL SELF. One or Two Major Prayers said Faithfully, as often as You Like. FOCUS ON THE PHYSICAL. Strengthen Your Core Relationship with Your GOD. This is Protective. Voices/Evil use What You Know to Hurt You, so avoid too much complexity. Stay with the EARTH PHYSICAL: it is of the Greatest Goodness Possible, and Your Body Itself is EARTH PHYSICAL: it is the TEMPLE or CATHEDRAL. As Much as Possible, stay Earth Physical ONLY

SPIRITUAL ASSISTANCE, STRENGTH, HEALING & DELIVERANCE: Diligently follow the Daily FIGHT. Aggression Move-ments (tasks) if You Need Assistance, or just a Way to Love, to Understand, or to Help Your Life Stay Focused. They are True Love. They are meant to assist you by making you stronger, to help you avoid problems, and to keep you in contact with the Higher Spiritual Establishment, who will, with grace and diligence, Eventually Descend and Deliver you.

FIGHT. MAIN WEBSITE [In Revision]: http://michapedia.wetpaint.com/
FIGHT. Aggression Movements: http://fight4righttolove.blogspot.com/

To Fight.

Of Information about those who Fight a Preternatural Battle, there are those who do not understand what they face when they are confronted with both Good Being and Negative Being. On a Physical Level, many do not understand that the Energy that is in front of them is not always what it seems, I always recommend Trust and Distrust. Also, if Energy Being speak of Human Beings on Earth, if it is Slander Oriented, it is to be Distrusted. Of Earth Problems, it is best to speak with the Exact Human Being outright, if anything happens to be questionable to determine the Truth. In Energy Problems, usually the Earth Physical is being Abused.
First of All, in an Earth Structure facing an Energy Structure, never agree to anything, and never give up a thing. The Preternatural do not need anything, nor do they ’own’ anything: it does not belong to them. What Negative Being do is try to appropriate, or to bully, or to threaten to try to gain physical items, then to aggress the Human Being over them, which is illegal. All Human Belong-ings belong directly to the Exact Human Being who Owns Them. It is also stated that Cars and Locomotive Vehicles are to be stated only as the Vehicles themselves, and not as a Representation of the Body. All that is necessary to protect food and Belong-ings is to sit down and write a Note that states that they cannot be touched, and that they are personal property of the Owner, and that No Negativity/Evil can touch a thing about the Person/Life/Soul/Home.

It is stated that care must be taken with those who encounter situations where they protect, and to state that No abuse of the Earth Physical occur, it is Against the Law. Again, if it is wondered, or if it is in relation to a Human Being who is Present on the Earth, it is Best to talk Directly to the Human Being, in the Earth Physical. Also, it is stated that Preternatural Beings are Never the Human Beings on Earth. It is always to be Distrusted, if Preternaturals state such a thing. One is Never ’a Mary’ or a ‘Misses M’ or an ’Isabel/Julie’. Human Beings are who they are. They have names and jobs, and are capable of Loving in the Earth Physical. How-ever, if a Preternatural Relationship occurs, it is best that it not abuse the Earth Physical, and that it be in Truth Itself. Also, it must never be assumed that one has been hurt by another Human being, if Preternaturals are Present. It is usually a Preternatural who Abuses, Human being are unlikely, just by nature, to hurt another.

The Body is always protective of the Earth Physical: One must remain in One’s Life, to center on the Earth Physical, and Eat Well, Sleep Correctly [at Night, all Night: Nyquil will aid comfort and proper sleep], and to Remain Pragmatic about the Energy Structure. Do not trust what You Hear from a Preternatural. Verify it. Verify it. Verify it. Things happen in Energy Structures that abuse Truth, and it can be avoided by knowing that Good, being Good, usually Contributes to a Life, does not slander Human Beings or any other, and does Not Hurt. Most good Structures Protect, and do not hurt by abuse of a Preternatural Structure.

In Preternatural Relationships, it is best to question deeply if they are Preternatural, and if they Involve Being who are known, or
are of the Preternatural Realm. Although it is not known, abuse sometimes occurs, and it Should not, by Preternatural Being. If
the relationship revolves around someone of Earth, Protect Earth First, and if it is a Human Being, Faithfulness is Required. If
a Preternatural steps into an Earth Relationship, saying they are ’like’ or ’as if,’ it is usually rape. They are not the Human Being: speak directly with the Human Being.

Also, if they tell You to Go Out, and to ‘find someone to Love’, ignore it, or consider it in Truth. If You are asked to go to a
Specific Place, go only 5 Times [This is to account for Real Time Problems, if other Human Beings are Actually Involved]. If
it happens again after that, Ignore it. Prove it to Yourself. Understand that the Usual Response is to Ignore it and Live Your
Life as Usual. Do Not Hurt Your Life or Your Health going on Goose Chases, or expecting to find someone to Love Randomly. If You Find that You have fallen in Love with Someone, in Energy Terms, who is of Earth, verify with them. Do Not Allow the
Downstairs to aggress Human Beings by abuse of Human Beings who might actually know each other.

Also, if they tell You that You ’must find Your True Love’, do Not Listen. Look at those You know on Earth, all of those You Know. Even Acquaintances, or people You’ve Met or Assisted. If You have had an experience where you have met Someone,
and the Downstairs Sends You Out to find what is called a ‘physical’, meaning someone to Physically Love after, then Abuse
Must Be Assumed. What is not seen is that Preternatural Being rape Innocent or Pure Structures to physically love on Other
Physical Structures, which is Illegal on Earth and in the Preternatural. If they have told to you go out and randomly find someone,
if you don’t already know or have met them [a first time meeting], and tell you to physically Make Love, Distrust It. It is a Problem if
Preternatural Beings are Involved. Distrust it Outright. The Person who has gone on the Search for someone random had best make sure that their exact physical is making love to the Other Exact Physical, and not to what is called an Amalgam by the
Preternatural Physical. Amalgams are sometimes in abuse of an Earth Physical, which is also Illegal.

In all Cases, Stay Decent. This Means do Not Commit Crimes in the Preternatural, No Matter what they Tell You. If they ask You to do something Negative, or to Commit Crimes Willfully, Do Not. Crimes are truth on the Soul Self, if they are committed in Full Knowledge, the Only Exception being that of having done something under Aggression, which would still show up as a Crime,
but differently on the Soul Self. In Most Cases, it is considered a Problem of Aggression. If done without Knowledge, the
Human Being would be Innocent In cases of True Crime by the Establishment or others, there is No Exoneration if the Crimes
are Problematic on the Earth Structure. The Earth Structure is a Real Struct, not a Preternatural Struct, which is Different. Protect

Your Soul Self outright, stay in Innocence and Self Defense. Those of Self Defense are always Innocent. Sit Down and write a Document that states that You are in Battle, and that You Protect Your Own Soul Self: That You won’t Sell or be sold, that they cannot rape, they cannot steal, they cannot touch your Mind, Your Heart, Your Sacral, Your Life, Your Dreams, Your Clothes,
Your Food, Your Belongings, Your Car: this is an Active Protection that Registers in Exactitude in the Soul Self that Protects
Inviolately. Write Down Everything that You Protect, even in Protect of Others that You Do Not Wish Violated in Your Own Space. Understand the Above to be Truth, and Protect Yourself.

Sole Owner, Inceptor and Builder, The ASTARITE FAITH & FIGHT.

Of Fight.

In the Battle against Evil, there is much to learn. I have Battled Evil directly, in the Human Physical, and I know what it does to the Human Body, the Human Mind, and why people act as they do when they Hear Voices. The Physical Problems are Numerous, and the Pain Level is Very High, and is unapparent to the Human Eye or Sensibility, other than the sense of Suffering or Problems. People who fight Evil/Voices have a serious Physical and Mental Battle, also, a serious Spiritual Battle. Their Path is both of the Soul and of the body, and there are few Specific Paths to handle the Problem. In the Astarite Faith, it is recommended both a
Phys-ical and Mental Healing, which is a Fierce Battle, and a Spiritual Path and Healing, which will possibly lead to a Type of
Healing. In The Path of The ASTARITE FAITH, it is called FIGHT. The Organization FIGHT., Incepted and Founded by the Mentor, RE-BECCATACOSAGRAYCALIFORNIA, is separate from The CHURCH of LOVE, and is Direct Assistance offered Inviolately by The ASTARITE FAITH. FIGHT. is protected Inviolately by THE ARCHANGEL ST. MICHAEL, HIMSELF, in the Physical. In The ASTARITE FAITH, No Mental Examinations are Required, at all, for Assistance. Assistance is also Free of Charge. The Philosophy of FIGHT. And The ASTARITE FAITH is that All Avenues of Healing be Exhausted before
recommendation of Other Assistance, via the Medical Professions. In My Experience, the True Avenues of Healing are a Fierce
and Exhausting Battle which requires True Love, True Faith, Extreme Attention to the Physical, and Complete Support in True Love, Realization, and Understanding in both Family and Community. It needs to be made understood to All Families that Voices are Real, the Physical Battle is Real in the Earth Physical, and that the Beings/Voices are not nice, and the Path Difficult. However, the End Result is Desired: that of Healing, and of Complete Reliance on the Self with Understanding of the Path One Has Just Undergone. What must be understood is that the onset of Voices/Evil [Aural Breach] is a Soul Self Condition, and that it must be handled in Responsibility and True Love by the Victim or Sufferer. Not all Breaches are brought upon the Self, some are Breaches of Innocence, and this is the Truth. In these cases, where the Victim is Innocent, they must be aware of the Fight, and still handle any Soul Self Issues that may make themselves clear within the Path of Life. However, the Major Portions of the Battle are:

Personal Perspective and Strength.
Health, Appearance, and Self Care.
Attendance to Spiritual Issues and Amends.
Nyquil and Trazedone for Uninterrupted, Healthful Night’s Sleep

The Perspective that must be adopted to fight in a First Aural Breach with the Onset of Voices is Strength and Calm, and No
Panic. For those who Hear Voices: You are a Normal Being Fighting a Battle in which You Hear Voices, and that is All. There is No Mental Illness, and a Normal Perspective is Required, even Demanded, for You to Heal. Evil/Voices use the Mental State to Debilitate the Body and Mind, and a preying on the Life occurs with the Belief of Non-Normality, which is not truth in those who fight. I know this from Direct battle. The Energy Changes in the Body in a Fight are Major with an Onset of ’Giving Up’, which is that of relinquishment of the Normal Life to Torment, in which Mental Illness breeds pain. As I stated in the Previous Article,
What is of the Mind is of the Body. This is Absolute Fact, and in the State of Aural Breach, the Way to Heal is for the Mind to
Reclaim the Normal State of the Body Processes, by complete put down of the Negative Being/Voices. This, in All Cases, will
Heal the Body into a State of Non-Breach, or Previous Normality/Present Normality. What occurs with this Process, which is
called Grounding and Negation of the Evil/Voices, is the Return of the Aural and Chakra System, as well as All Bodily Processes,
to a Protected, Normal State. It also throws down the Negative, which are put down. There may be a Fight, still, to ensue, but it
will be in a Pro-tected Bodily State, rather than a state of Torment. One can live a Normal Life in battle, and progress to True
Healing: in Some Cases, it may even bring True Healing and a Full Return to Normal Life.

To those Who Fight, You are Believed and Honored by All of The ASTARITE FAITH. I know what You are Going Through. I know the Pain. I know directly in the Physical the Fight. Never Despair. Do Not Give Up. Never Give Up One Thing of Your life. Ignore the Voices Upon Immediacy [Do Not Entertain Them], and Attend to Your Exact Physical Life, in the Extreme. Eat well, Better than Well. Feed Yourself to keep up Your Weight and Your Health. One of the Markers of a Battle is a Thin or Emaciated Being, and the reason for the Problem is that Evil/Voices wish to Exhaust the Body, which Exhausts the Mind: Eventually, in Tired Fight, one often fails, or gives up, and this must Not Happen, ever. Those who know the True Battle learn to Fight without thinking about it, as if it were just another part of Life, a Way Of. This is the Only Way to Positively handle it, and Your Life. It also assists to deter Despair, which can occur in a Fighting Being who has been Physically and Mentally Abused too deeply. Also, Ignore Them. Deny them Everything. Not One Thing, they cannot have Not One Thing: Not Your Time, Not Your Clothes, Not Your Food, Not Your Rest, Nor Your Family or Love. They have No Rights. This is an Ultimatum Demand of Battle. You Must Adopt a Marine’s Attitude: It is the True Weight of this Particular Battle, and the Battle is Not Easy. It is Your Life You are Fighting for. You Need to Remember This. It is Your Soul, Your Love, Your Children, Your Family, Your Intellectual Development and Your Freedom, these are Your Life. You are Already Fighting. You will Lose Nothing to Fight Fiercely. It is Worth the Fight, even through the Pain, if the Battle Gets Fierce. You are Supported by some of the Most Beautiful Being In History.

If you Succeed in Walking Right Through It, do not despair with a continued Battle. You Must Handle All Soul Self Issues that
Led to Your Aural Breach, and this is recommended even before You Try to Walk Right Through It. You must also Write a
Renunciation of Evil, as well as a Renunciation of All Sexual Activities of Evil: The FIGHT. Soul Self Protection Documents,
in THE SWORD OF TRUTH, which is the Recommended Manual, which I wrote, has these Documents, and they are also
available Online for Free on Scrib’d: www.scribd.com, in the same Text. Also, a Hand Written Note which states that One
Won’t Ever Sell their Soul Self, and that their Soul Self is Protected from All Activities of Evil, as well as a Renunciation of Evil,
is Necessary. This should be Kept in a Safe or Safe Place, and a Copy on the Person. All of these Documents, or Copies of them, should then Be seen by a Notary and placed under U.S. JURAT, which costs $10.00. The Note without Jurat Works in Exactly
the Same Way, The Jurat is a Legal Viewing and Cementing of the Action. Understand that the Strength of Assistance on the
Soul Self is Present in Both. This One Action will Save Your Life. The Soul Self recognizes the Intent, and also recognizes the
Negation and Renunciation of Evil, and Also recognizes the Self Protection, in the Physical. No matter what may happen after
that, even in Battle, be Assured, Without Fail, that What You Have Written is Working and Protects Your Soul and Life. I know
this in the Direct Spiritual Physical: You Must Have Complete Faith in It. I have Told You As Much, and I Know it Truth Without Fail.

Finally, Your Core Love, Your Own, No One Can Touch. No Matter How Deeply You are Hurt, the Love in You is Deep, and
is True. They Cannot Touch this in You, ever. This is a Truth. Tears do Not Help, although tears may sometimes Happen. Fighting for Your Life, and Developing True Strength and Understanding of Your Own Love Assists You in Healing and Direct Spiritual Assistance. Those who Fight are Recognized by The Spiritual Community, and in this, they will Assist You In Your Battle, knowing You are Battling for Your Life. Do Not Lay Down, Stand Up and Fight. In Your Life, do Not Desert Your Children, Your Family Members, Your Community, Your Work, Your Life, or Your Self. Fight For Your Life. This is, truly, in this Particular Battle, and I say this in Absolute Awareness, the Only Way to Heal. You may also, in True Assistance, find True Faith, Love and Assistance in Your Faith. This is Recommended. Make them Aware, and make them aware of Your Battle. They will come to Your Aid. This, in the Earth Physical: Visit Your Faith, and in Prayer. They Know. Exorcism can also be requested, but it is a long path through
many Faiths. I offer an Immediate Exorcism Online, on My FIGHT. Website, which is read by the Victim, and is fulfilled in The ASTARITE FAITH by THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD, THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, OUR EXACT CREATOR, HIMSELF, or, in the Catholic Faith, by JESUS CHRIST, HIMSELF. Both are Accompanied by The HOLY SPIRIT, and the
Exorcism occurs during Sleep.

Exorcism should not, Ever, be attempted by the Victim in Reading, or in Attempts to Exorcise, with others or on one’s Own. 
The Reading Should Be Basic, in that the Applicant Must Understand that Exorcism is Being Asked For, not Attempted. The
reason for this is severe ramifications on the Body and Self, due to interference and Improper Reading, and is a Matter of the
Faith, the Energy, and the Ordained Establishment, which requires those who have been trained to Exorcise to Perform them.
In the Reading of, it is relied upon the Spiritual Establishment to Assist in Honor in Exactitude of Exorcism, and without Hurt
to the Victim. For those who have fought for an Exorcism or Exorcist, without success, and who have hoped for Deliverance,
this is a Process that Can Be Relied Upon. Also, it can be done numerous times, or successively, which is sometimes necessary
in a Negative State of Aural Breach. However, I will state that All of the Above Must be Attended to, as well, before Exorcism,
as well as a Week of Prayer and Preparation for Exorcism, in order to Place Those Who Are Love With Yourself, in Faith, and
True Honor, with All Amends Made. You Must See Your Life for its Truth, and You Must Understand Your Own Responsibility for Your Life and Your Present State. This is the Way of It. Of, Love, the Above Assistance is Truth, and All other Concerns can
be addressed Via www.michapedia.wetpaint.com, which is My Main FIGHT. Website. http://michapedia.wetpaint.com/


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